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Goods And Services

From Date To Date

Exemption from filing Annual Return for registered persons whose Annual aggregate turn over upto Rs.2Crs in financila year 2022-23. Notification No.32/2023 CT dt.31.7.23


As per Notification No.10/2023-Central Tax dated 10.05.2023 the threshold for e-invoicing for B2B transactions has been lowered from 10 cr to 5 crores. This change is applicable from 1st August...


Standard operating procedure for scrutiny of Returns for FY 2019-20 onwards. The Instruction No.2/2022GST dated 22.3.2022 is amended by instruction No.2/2023 GST 26.05.2023


In the case of Radha krishnan Industries Vs State of HP the Hon. Supreme Court in a detailed order has clarified the scope of Section 83 of CGST Act 2017. Section 83 is for Provisional attachment...


Guidelines for provisional attachment of property under section 83 of CGST Act 2017 CBIC F.No.CBEC 20/16/05/2021 GST/359 dated 23.2.2021


Cir.No.139/09/2020 GST dt.10.6.20 Circular No.135/05/2020 –GST dated the 31st March, 2020 states that:“5. Guidelines for refunds of Input Tax Credit under Section 54(3) 5.1 In terms of para...