Our Services
It is a forum to interact on Central Excise duties,Service tax and Goods & Services Tax issues
Important Acts/Rules
Central Excise Act, Central Excise Rules, Cenvat Credit rules, Finance Act, Service tax Rules. .
Compliance to the Law
Provide the assistance of experts in the field to comply the requirements in the laws
Provide Solutions for the disputes between the tax payer and department
Provide Specific tax audit by experts
Goods & Services Tax
It replaces selected Central and State taxes like Central Excise, Service Tax, Sales Tax etc.
Services Overview
Compliance to the Law
Compliance to the law is very imortant. You have to follow the procedures stipulated in the laws scrupulously. We can arrange the assistance of the experts in the field to comply the requirements in the laws.
Solving disputes
Since the taxation depends upon the interpretation of the law by the assessee as well as the department disputes in taxation is inevitable. We guide to solve the disputes between the tax payer and department and also arrange the assistance of the experts in the field for filing appeals at various appellate forums.
Precautionary measures
Audit is the main point where the tax payer and department is disputed on the issue. For the smooth taxation by avoiding the common issues we shall arrange specific tax audit by experts in the filed.