85472 33136

Goods And Services


Cir.No.104/23/19 GST dt.28.6.19.Now, the common portal forwards the refund applications submitted on the said portal to the jurisdictional proper officer of the tax authority to whom the taxpayer has been administratively assigned. In case of the example cited in para 2 above, as the applicant was wrongly mapped with the State tax authority on the common portal, the application was transferred by the common portal to the proper officer of the State tax authority despite M/s XYZ Ltd. being administratively assigned to the Central tax authority. As per para 2(e) of Circular No. 79/53/2018-GST dated 31.12.2018, the proper officer of the State tax authority should electronically re-assign the said application to the designated jurisdictional proper officer. It has, however, been reported that the said re-assignment facility is not yet available on the common portal. e matter has been examined and it is clarified that in such cases, where reassignment of refund applications to the correct jurisdictional tax authority is not possible on the common portal, the processing of the refund claim should not be held up and it should be processed by the tax authority to whom the refund application has been electronically transferred by the common portal. After the processing of the refund application is complete, the refund processing authority may inform the common portal about the incorrect mapping with a request to update it suitably on the common portal so that all subsequent refund applications are transferred to the correct jurisdictional tax authority.
