Cir.No.111/19 dated 3.10.2019. The registered person would file a fresh refund application under the category “Refund on account of assessment/provisional assessment/appeal/any other order” claiming refund of the amount allowed in appeal or any other forum. on receipt of the application for refund under the category “Refund on account of assessment/provisional assessment/appeal/any other order” the proper officer would sanction the amount of refund as allowed in appeal or in subsequent forum which was originally rejected and shall make an order in FORM GST RFD 06 and issue payment order in FORM GST RFD 05 accordingly. The proper officer disposing the application for refund under the category “Refund on account of assessment/provisional assessment/appeal/any other order” shall also ensure re-credit of any amount which remains rejected in the order of the appellate (or any other authority). However, such re-credit shall be made following the guideline as laid down in para 4.2 of Circular no. 59/33/2018 – GST dated 04/09/2018.
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